luni, 13 martie 2017



Hi everyone! I hope you're all well and had a fabulous weekend. Today I'm going to write about a fabulous product I've been loving "VICHY IDEALIA LIFE SERUM".
Since starting my blog I've become more and more interested in skincare. Long gone are the days of using face wipes to remove my makeup and a slap of moisturiser now and again. Gosh, just writing that makes me realise how terrible my skincare routine (if you can even call it that) was. I now take the time to thoroughly understand my skin and treat it to what it needs. Whether its face oils, micellar waters or face masks - I now use them all to ensure my skin is in the best condition it can be. 


Buna tuturor! Sper ca sunteti bine si ati avut un weekend minunat.Astazi voi scrie despre un produs pe care il indragesc "VICHY IDEALIA LIFE SERUM".
De cand am inceput  sa scriu pe acest blog am devenit tot mai interesata de ingrijirea tenului. A trecut mult timp de cand nu mai folosesc servetele demachante pentru inlaturarea machiajului si un pic de crema hidratanta din cand in cand. Doamne, doar scriind asta imi dau seama ce proasta era rutina mea de ingrijire a tenului (daca se poate numi asa). Acum dedic mult timp pentru a oferi tenului meu ceea ce are nevoie.Fie ca este vorba de uleiuri, ape micelar sau masti de fata, le folosesc pe toate pentru a ma asigura ca tenul meu primeste tot ceea care are nevoie pentru a fi sanatos si hidratat.


When I was first introduced to this 'life serum' from Vichy, it instantly excited me. I've tried a number of products from the Vichy Idealia range now including their illuminating moisturiser and BB Cream - both of which are amazing products and work really well with my skin. The latest product to join the Idealia line up, 'Life Serum', is designed for the everyday woman, us women that often expose our skin to daily excesses such as stress, late nights, pollution, UV exposure and an unbalanced diet. I'm sure we can all relate to one of these 'exposures' in one way or another, the main culprit for me being stress. 
When I'm stressed my skin is more prone to breakouts and generally looks dull and lacking in life. However, this serum claims to restore tired, stressed and lack-lustre skin. According to Vichy this product ensures the "complexion looks radiant and fresh, with a more even tone. Pores appear tightened and skin texture feels refined. Facial features look rested and skin looks younger and healthier". The magic ingredients in this product are the LR2412+LHA molecules (I have no idea what they are) which supposedly work wonders at transforming skin quality. Its also suitable for those of us with sensitive skin as its hypoallergenic, parabin -free and contains soothing thermal water.


Vichy "Life Serul" m-a impresionat in mod placut inca de la inceput.Am testat deja cateva produse din gama Vichy Idealia inclusiv crema hidratanta iluminatoare cat si BB Cream-ul - ambele fiind produse minunate care s-au potrivit tenului meu.Cel ami recent produs din gama Idealia "Life Serum" este creat pentru femeia de zi cu zi, pentru noi femeile care zilnic avem tenul expus la anumiti factori cum ar fi stresul, lipsa de ohihna, poluarea, expunerea la ultraviolete si un regim alimetar dezechilibrat.Sunt sigura ca toate suntem afectate intr-ul fel sau altul de cel putin unul dintre acesti factori.In cazul meu principalul factor fiind stresul.
Cand sunt stresata tenul meu este obosit, lipsit de viata si este  predispus la aparitia cosurilor. Acest ser pretinde ca restabileste tenul obosit, stresat si lipsit de stralucire.Cei de la Vichy, asigura ca " tenul arata radiant, proaspat si uniform.Porii se inchid oferind o textura rafinata pielii, fata va parea odihnita, iar tenul va fi mai odihnit si mai sanatos." Ingredientele magice din acest produs sunt moleculele LR2412+LHA (nu am idee ce sunt) despre care se spune ca fac minuni in transformarea calitatii pielii. Este potrivit si pentru persoanele cu tenul sensibil fiind hipoalergenic, fara parabeni si continand apa termala.


So, do I like it? Well, do you ever come across a skincare product and as soon as you start using it think 'how did I ever NOT use this product'? That is exactly how I feel about this serum. Firstly, look at that beautiful glass bottle. Its pink with a handy little pump - what more could I want? Secondly, like all products in the Idealia range, it smells divine. I've been applying it in the morning after cleansing my skin and I love how lightweight and silky it feels. Its a white lotion with a pearl sheen (it looks more like a moisturiser than a serum) and as soon as its applied to my skin it sinks in effortlessly leaving no greasy residue behind. It also brightens my tired morning skin and leaves it looking awake, dewy and fresh. Its like the beauty product equivalent of caffeine!
Vichy state that this can be used alone to replace moisturiser or underneath your current moisturiser, depending on how dehydrated your skin is. For reference, my skin is combination. It isn't dry but it isn't very oily either. I get an oily t-zone and the odd pimple now and again but other than that, I'd say its fairly normal. I find using this after cleansing in a morning is all I need to give my skin a boost of radiance and moisture but I have used it underneath moisturiser too so I can assure you it works both ways, depending on your skin type and personal needs. I also find it works really well as a base for makeup as it seems to smooth out my skin tone, reduce any redness and plump up my skin. I've definitely noticed my base applies much smoother and evenly after applying this product and my skin feels baby soft.


Asa ca, imi place? Ei bine, ai dat vreodata peste un produs de ingrijirea tenului si imediat dupa utilizare te-ai gandit "Cum de nu l-am folosit pana acum"? Asa gandesc eu despre acest ser.In primul rand sa aruncam o privire la minunata sticla.Este roz si are o pompita mica usor de utilizat- ce ai putea sa iti doresti mai mult? In al doilea rand, la fel ca toate produsele din gama Idealia, miroase divin. Eu il aplic dimineata dupa curatarea tenului si imi place cat de usor si de matasos se simte.Este o lotiune alba, cu un luciu perlat (arata mai mult ca o crema hidratanta decat un ser) si imediat dupa aplicare se absoarbe fara a lasat nici un reziduu gras.De asemenea imi lumineaza tenul obosit de dimineata, dandu-i un aspect odihnit, radiant si proaspat.Este produsul de frumusete echivalent cofeinei!
Cei de la Vichy spun ca acest ser poate fi folosit pentru a inlocui crema hidratanta sau sub crema hidratanta asta depinzand de cat de deshidratat este tenul fiecaruia.De exemplu tenul meu este combinat.Nu este uscat dar nu este nici foarte gras.Este uneori gras in zona T si din cand in cand imi mai apre cate un cos dar per total pot spune ca este normal.Folosind acest ser dupa curatarea tenului dimineata este tot ceea ce am nevoie pentru a-i oferi tenului mai multa stralucire si hidratare, dar l-am folosit si sub crema hidratanta,asa ca va asigura ca functioneza in ambele feluri, depinzand doar de tenul fiecaruia si de nevoile personale.De asemenea imi place cum actioneza si ca baza de machiaj netezindu-mi tenul si reducand roseata.Am observat cum baza se aplica mai uniform dupa aplicarea acestui produs, piele mea simtindu-se moale ca de bebelus.


Overall I absolutely love this product and its an amazing addition to my skincare routine. I've definitely noticed an improvement in the texture and appearance of my skin since adding this into my routine and it smells amazing too so I've got no complaints. It's something you have to try, go go go!


Per total ador acest produs care aduce un plus la rutina mea de ingrijire a tenului.Am observar cu siguranta o imbunatatire a texturii si a  aspectului tenului meu de cand am aduagat acest produs in rutina mea si miroase minunat, asa ca nu am nimic de obiectat.Este un produs pe care trebuie sa il incerci!

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