vineri, 24 martie 2017


I met many girls who praised the concealers from L.A. Girl PRO Conceal HD on social networks. They said it is very cheap and quality. I decided to test it, so 3 or 4 months ago I ordered the first two concealers. One dark for contouring and one in a lighter shade for the area under the eyes. I recently ordered two additional new shades of green and orange to cover blemishes and dark circles. I will talk further about them in order of use, so I’ll start with the Orange one.
It is ideal for people who has dark circles, especially dark circles aiming towards a shade of purple. First I applied too much product and I wasn’t so happy with the result, because the foundation around had become a bit orange. The second time I was careful to use just enough, so the difference was visible. I can’t say that my skin remained absolutely gorgeous and dark circles had run to the North Pole, but the area under the eyes looked much better, fresh and dark circles diminished noticeably. The product should be applied under foundation and well blended.
Am intalnit foarte multe fete pe retelele de socializare ce laudau concealerele de la L.A. Girl PRO Conceal HD. Spuneau ca sunt foarte ieftine si in acelasi timp de calitate. Am zis sa le testez si eu, asa ca in urma cu 3 sau 4 luni am comandat primele doua concealere. Unul inchis la culoare pentru contouring si unul intr-o nuanta deschisa pentru zonele de sub ochi. Recent am comandat din nou inca doua nuante, verde si portocaliu pentru acoperirea imperfectiunilor si a cearcanelor. Am sa iti vorbesc despre ele in ordinea utilizarii, asa ca am sa incep cu cel in nuanta Orange.
Este ideal pentru persoanele ce au cearcane inchise la culoare, in special cearcane ce tind spre o nuanta de mov. La prima utilizare am aplicat cam mult produs si nu am fost multumita de rezultat, pentru ca fondul de ten din jur devenise putin portocaliu. A doua oara am avut grija sa folosesc o cantitate potrivita, asa ca diferenta a fost vizibila. Nu pot spune ca pielea mea a ramas absolut superba, iar cearcanele au fugit la Polul Nord, dar zona de sub ochi arata mult mai bine, mai fresh, iar cearcanele s-au diminuat vizibil. Produsul trebuie aplicat inaintea fondului de ten si blenduit bine,bine.

Green Corrector is ideal for red areas around the nose, pimples or for different imperfections. The green neutralizes shades of red and pink. Like Orange Corrector, apply under foundation in a small amount.
Green Corrector este ideal pentru zonele rosii din jurul nasului, pentru cosuri sau diferite imperfectiuni. Verdele neutralizeaza nuantele de rosu si roz. La fel ca Orange Corrector, se aplica inaintea fondului de ten intr-o cantitate cat mai mica.

After these two steps, I applied the concealer in the most light shade, Ivory Classic. It doesn’t crease under the eyes, and fixed with powder, withstand impeccably for 6 hours. It is not the lightest color from the range of L.A. Girl PRO Conceal HD and as we can see, has a slightly pinkish tint, but because it sits very well in the foundation and look very natural, the pink hue disappears.
Dupa cei doi pasi, am aplicat concealer-ul in nuanta cea mai deschisa dintre cele 4, Classic Ivory. Nu se strange sub ochi, iar fixat cu pudra rezista impecabil pana la 6 ore. Nu este culoarea cea mai deschisa din gama L.A. Girl si dupa cum se observa, are o tenta usor rozalie, insa fiindca se aseaza foarte bine pe fondul de ten, arata foarte natural, iar tenta de roz dispare.

For contouring I chose the shade Medium Beige and I can say that it is my favorite. Can achieve a subtle contouring, looks natural on my no tanned skin. When I will get a bit of bronze, I will have to choose a shade a bit darker for the same effect. I apply it on my cheekbones, forehead and nose after I blend it with my beauty blender.
The colors are very pigmented, the texture is creamy and highly resistant. If your foundation has a low coverage, it is possible to observe the green and orange under it.
The price of a cocealer is $5.
Pentru contouring am ales nuanta Medium Beige si pot spune ca din cele 4, este preferata mea. Pot realiza un contouring subtil, ce arata natural pe pielea nebronzata. Cand am sa capat putin bronz, am sa aleg o nuanta putin mai inchisa, pentru acelasi efect. Il aplic pe pometi, frunte si nas, dupa care il intind cu beauty blender-ul.
Culorile sunt foarte pigmentate, textura este cremoasa si rezista foarte bine. Daca fondul tau de ten are o acoperire mica, este posibil ca verdele si portocaliul sa se observe sub acesta. Pretul unui concealer este de 27Lei si il gasesti pe diferite site-uri din Romania, precum inspired beauty sau makeup-store.

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